We are so sorry to hear the sad passing away of Brian, who has been an amazing stalwart to the Etwall Well Dressing Association all the way back to its formative days.
The reason Mill Meadow Way became involved was because a neighbour of ours, Janet Bennett, now sadly deceased, noticed that Brian needed a Well Dressing secretary and she volunteered her services, approximately 40 years ago.
Brian was chairman at the time. At the same time the Etwall
Youth Club decided not to continue with their Well Dressing and Janet volunteered Mill Meadow Way to take over from them!!
Brian has been an amazing and dedicated servant and will long be remembered for all he has done particularly in this village.
RIP Brian and love and regards to Hilda, Christine, Michael and Richard and to you plus all the family.
Mavis and all Mill Meadow Way Well Dressers
26th January 2021